Sunday, October 12, 2008
Kirshna lives in me
There are times when you experience the actual 'kurukshetra war' in your mind. The right wins over and takes control your life. Lord Krishna lives in each one of us. It is always not about doing what you like. It is about Dharma winning over Adarma. There are a lot of tempatations in this era that we live that most of the time, you are torn apart being unable to make up your mind and differentiate between right or wrong. One thing that we fail to remember life can be made simpler if we are aware of Krishna's teachings.
Yadha yadha hi dharmasya glanirbhavathi bharathaAbhyuthdaanaMadharmasya Thadatmanam Srujamyaham Whenever there is decay of Dharma (religion) and an ascendancy of Adharma (irreligion) then God manifests Himself I have a Krishna in me and I realised it yesterday. I am proud to be me!
posted by confusionism at
4:04 PM
you seems to be confused.Krishna is not an individual .It is only a state. When we be become conscious of our actions we became a krishna, a Christ or a Buddha. At that instant we get a religious mind.
10:45 PM